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Finland supports availability of vaccines in developing countries

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 2.6.2021 15.55
Press release

Finland will contribute EUR 10 million in 2021 to the international Vaccine Alliance Gavi.

Finland combats the Covid-19 Pandemic globally: distribution of vaccines, acces to education, maternal and children's health, clean water and hygiene.


At the Gavi COVAX Advance Market Commitment (AMC) Summit on 2 June 2021, Finland pledged to donate EUR 10 million to global vaccine solidarity. To ensure improved availability of COVID-19 vaccines in developing countries and equitable and fair access to vaccines, Finland will channel its support via the COVAX AMC Facility, administered by Gavi.  It is of vital importance not only from the perspective of solidarity but also from the viewpoint of health security and economy to support the availability of vaccines in developing countries.

The virtual pledging conference was hosted by the Prime Minister of Japan, Suga Yoshihide, and Chair of the Gavi Board, José Manuel Barroso. The summit brought together heads of state, representatives of the private sector and civil society as well as central technical partners. The aim of the event was to accelerate access to COVID-19 vaccine doses for lower-income economies. Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade Ville Skinnari represented Finland at the meeting.

“Multilateral cooperation and global improvement of availability of vaccines are essential for ending the pandemic. Our pledge to Gavi proves that Finland is committed to enhancing vaccine solidarity. We intend to support Gavi also in 2022, because the effects of the pandemic will be felt for a long time,” Minister Skinnari says.  

In addition, as part of the third supplementary budget for 2021, the Government has proposed additional funding of EUR 10 million as a response to developing countries' vaccination needs, emphasising the humanitarian aspects of the support. The proposal is tied to the vaccine doses that are left unused from Finland’s share of the joint vaccine procurement contracts of the EU.

Finland, together with the EU Member States and the European Commission, is committed to solidarity in action against the pandemic. This means sharing the necessary medicines, vaccines and diagnostic tools equitably. The Advanced Market Commitment (AMC), which is administered by Gavi, is designed to respond to the needs of developing countries. For multilateral cooperation, COVAX provides the most important channel for ensuring equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines. The EU is one of its main supporters. 


Kirsi Airio, Special Adviser to the Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, tel. +358 50 574 1729 and Iina Älli, Senior Adviser for Development Policy, tel. +358 50 314 5285

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