Government decides on ways to enhance Finland’s ability to exert advance influence in the EU

Government Communications Department
Publication date 25.1.2024 14.59
Type:Press release
On photo flags of the EU

In its plenary session on Thursday 25 January, the Government decided on ways to exert advance influence on projects under preparation in the EU. In line with the Government Programme, the Government aims to speed up the formulation of Finland’s positions and improve the effectiveness of Finland’s influencing efforts at the EU level more generally.

The resolution adopted at the Government’s plenary session sets strengthening Finland’s EU objectives and lobbying efforts as a key priority for each ministry. The Government will switch from the earlier practice of submitting a report on EU policy once per electoral term to setting priorities, influencing and monitoring EU policy continuously. Another goal is to intensify cooperation with like-minded EU Member States.

A key objective of efforts to exert advance influence is to make Finland’s policy priorities part of the EU’s long-term plans. The Ministerial Committee on European Union Affairs outlined Finland’s policy priorities for the 2024–2029 EU parliamentary term in its meeting on 17 January. 

Exerting advance influence also involves influencing the Commission’s annual work programme and broader policy entities. This is continuous work that the Government and its members will promote together as part of overall EU policy.

Exerting advance influence means exerting influence before the European Commission issues proposals for directives, for example. Finland also plays an active role in other phases of decision-making. 

Inquiries: Tuomas Tikkanen, Special Adviser (EU Affairs), tel. +358 40 523 5768, Jari Luoto, Director General, EU Affairs Department, tel. +358 50 468 5949, and Anne Sjöholm, Head of Communications for EU Affairs, tel. +358 40 537 0733, Prime Minister’s Office