Coronavirus pandemic is a global threat – continue to avoid travelling

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 14.5.2020 14.40
Type:News item

Coronavirus and its spread are still a major global risk. Because of the pandemic, the situation in any country or region may change rapidly and unpredictably.

The restrictive measures in different countries may also come as a surprise to a traveller: local quarantine regulations, restrictions on movement, transport difficulties, restrictions on leaving the country, closing of services, including the availability of food, concern everyone. Quarantine regulations are still in force in several countries and they must be complied with. The grounds for being quarantined vary between the countries and the threshold for quarantine may be lower than in Finland.

There is also the risk that reserved flights and other connections may suddenly be cancelled and an outbound or a return journey hindered. Airlines may also require that passengers carry and wear facemasks.  Travel in itself increases the risk of infection.

The Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs has only limited capabilities to assist Finnish citizens in trouble abroad because of the pandemic. Globally, almost all countries have declared a state of emergency and fundamental rights are being or can be restricted. Also, travel insurance may not cover situations brought about by the coronavirus pandemic.

Avoid unnecessary travel

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs recommends: “avoid unnecessary travel throughout the world”. In a pandemic, unnecessary travel translates as, for example, leisure travel. The country-specific travel notices issued by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs may include even more rigid recommendations due to, for example, a war. 

The Finnish missions abroad provide updated information on the impact of the coronavirus epidemic on travel and tourism on their websites.  

All people arriving from abroad must restrict unnecessary close contacts and enter self-isolation for 14 days.