Prime Minister Stubb: We respect the Greek election result and expect Greece to respect its earlier commitments

Government Communications Department
Publication date 26.1.2015 9.18
Press release 36/2015

Prime Minister Alexander Stubb congratulates the Greek Syriza party for its clear victory in the parliamentary elections.

- The result of a democratic election must be respected. I hope that Greece will have a new Government soon. Uncertainty is always the worst option, Prime Minister Stubb says.

At the same time, Prime Minister Stubb calls on the new Greek Government to respect the agreements and commitments that the country has made earlier.

- The functioning of the euro area is based on strong rules but also on mutual trust and cooperation in good faith. Finland will work towards reaching joint understanding with the new Greek Government, too. It is especially up to Greece how well we will succeed in this, Prime Minister Stubb emphasises.

According to Prime Minister Stubb, the Greek election result will not change Finland's positions with regard to the management of the euro area crises. 

- If the new Greek Government commits itself to the earlier agreed arrangements and necessary structural reforms, we are ready to discuss the possibility of extending Greece's programme by a few months. Finland will not accept a demand for debt cancellation which made part of the discussions prior to the elections, Prime Minister Stubb says.

Inquiries: Lauri Tierala, Special Adviser (EU Affairs), tel. +358 40 841 7141 and Pete Pokkinen, Special Adviser (Press Relations), tel. +358 40 756 7180, Prime Minister’s Office

Alexander Stubb