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Tackling inequality in the tech sector – Algorithm for Gender Equality campaign seeks solutions to the often invisible but important problem

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 17.5.2021 8.30
Press release

The Foreign Ministry’s campaign is part of the global Generation Equality initiative. Finland is one of the co-leaders of the Action Coalition that is responsible for Technology and Innovation for Gender Equality. As a country that is known for gender equality and technological expertise, Finland can set an example in promoting equality in the tech sector.

The Algorithm for Gender Equality campaign, which was launched today, works to advance equality in the tech sector and to achieve this by means of various technological solutions. The purpose of the campaign is to activate discussion and to explore ways for promoting openness, competitiveness and attractiveness of the industry, as well as to inspire girls and women to pursue careers in technology.

“The rights of women and girls are at heart of Finland’s human rights policy. The Generation Equality campaign and the Algorithm for Gender Equality offer a unique opportunity to help the tech sector in taking a global leap in equality matters. For this we need the help of all stakeholders,” says Ambassador for Gender Equality Katri Viinikka.

In the most recent Global Gender Gap Report, the World Economic Forum estimates that at the current rate, closing the gender gap in economic participation and opportunity worldwide will take another 267 years. In international analyses, the tech sector has been referred to as an example of a field where gender equality is improving exceptionally slowly. 

On average, women account for less than 35 per cent of people working in the global ICT sector. The needs of women and girls are seldom addressed in innovation activities and, as developers and entrepreneurs in the technology sector, women do not get enough support. Almost three quarters of women online have been exposed to some form of cyber violence.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has shaped our everyday life and societies in fundamental ways. Technology offers us now opportunities for green and just recovery. However, it is important to ensure that technology belongs to everybody. During the pandemic, women and girls have experienced more online harassment than before. It is of vital importance that digital environments are safe, to ensure participation of everyone,” says Ambassador for Innovation Jarmo Sareva.

The importance and role of technology in our societies is growing all the time. At its best, technology can be a driver of change towards a more equitable world. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs invites all influencers in the technology sector to participate in creating the Algorithm for Gender Equality, in sharing examples of best practices, setting examples, and building a tech sector, society and world where no one is left behind.

The Algorithm for Gender Equality is part of the Generation Equality Forum, coordinated by UN Women, which brings together a wide variety of players from around the world.

It aims to:

  • Halve the gender gap related to digital literacy and the availability of digital technologies.
  • Increase investment by 50 per cent in technologies and innovations that advance gender equality, thereby supporting female entrepreneurs and developing solutions that meet the needs of women and girls.
  • Double the number of women working in technological fields.
  • Take action against gender-based violence online and technology-facilitated violence and discrimination.

Read more about the campaign 

Tanja Leikas-Bottá, Coordinator, Generation Equality campaign +358 295 350 370.
The Foreign Ministry’s email addresses are in the format [email protected].