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Pirkko Mattila appointed as Minister of Social Affairs and Health

valtioneuvoston viestintäosasto
Publication date 25.8.2016 12.51
Press release 342/2016

On Thursday 25 August, the President of the Republic appointed Pirkko Mattila, MP, a Member of the Government and Minister of Social Affairs and Health.

On the same occasion the President of the Republic released upon request Hanna Mäntylä, Member of Parliament, from her duties as a Member of the Government and Minister of Social Affairs and Health.

The Government decided at its session on 25 August on the division of responsibilities between ministers and on ministers’ deputies. Minister of Social Affairs and Health Pirkko Mattila was also designated as member of the Economic Council.

The government session started with the swearing in of Minister Mattila.

State Secretary Samuli Virtanen was appointed to continue in his duties as state secretary to the True Finns Party ministers.

Inquiries: Paula Lehtomäki, State Secretary, tel. +358 295 160 280, Prime Minister’s Office

Division of responsibilities between ministers and ministerial deputies 

Pirkko Mattila