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Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities
Study: Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial support among people with disabilities

statsrådets kommunikationsavdelning
Publication date 16.2.2017 14.38
Press release 76/2017

A report on the opportunities and obstacles experienced by persons with disabilities to become entrepreneurs was published on 16 February 2017.

According to the authors of the report, the promotion of entrepreneurship among disabled people involves a range of elements consisting of 1) basic services, 2) their adaptability, 3) new ways of doing things and 4) further studies into the compensatory needs deriving from disabilities. These support people with disabilities in setting up and running a business.

Answers were given to the study questions on the basis of a bibliographical review, a questionnaire designed for people with disabilities interested in entrepreneurship and interviews with people with disabilities. Workshops were also organised. A proposed brochure on how to become an entrepreneur was drafted for people with disabilities who are interested in entrepreneurship.  

The report shows that entrepreneurship is on average more common among disabled people than in the whole population. The report identifies the following points that help support people with disabilities in becoming entrepreneurs: entrepreneurship training, networking, financing, positive attitudes, successful disabled entrepreneurs as role models, access to instruments that help at work, and the availability of assistants at reasonable cost.

However, according to the report, it is not possible to assess the increase in entrepreneurship that these measures might generate. Before any policy recommendations are drafted, the measures listed in the report need to be complemented with further studies into the effects of competition regulations and financial implications.

The subject of the report is important because entrepreneurship enables disabled people to integrate into society better than before. Society benefits from people with disabilities finding jobs and becoming entrepreneurs because this generates more tax revenue and reduces the need for social benefits.

Encouraging entrepreneurship among people with disabilities is one of the measures in the Government’s key project on career opportunities for people with partial work capacity. The project will continue examining the measures presented in the report and draw up an action plan to increase entrepreneurship among people with disabilities in Finland.

Final report

The report is part of the implementation of the 2016 Government plan for analysis, assessment and research. It was executed by Nordic Healthcare Group, VATES Foundation and Turku School of Economics.

Further information about the Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities at


Contact person for the report, Pyry Niemelä, Product Manager, Nordic Healthcare Group, [email protected], tel. +358 40 527 0612

Päivi Mattila-Wiro, Programme Director and Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, [email protected], tel. +358 295 163 467