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Economists assess the need for redirecting economic policy

Publication date 21.8.2017 17.17 | Published in English on 1.9.2017 at 15.05
News item

On Monday 21 August, Minister of Finance Petteri Orpo received a memorandum prepared by three respected economists, in which they assess the future direction of Finland’s economic policy. The memorandum was compiled on the Minister’s request by Professor Bengt Holmström from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Professor Sixten Korkman from Aalto University and Vesa Vihriälä, Managing Director of the Research Institute of the Finnish Economy. It follows on from the memorandum prepared by the same economists last year.

 “A healthy economy is the basis of our welfare. Policy making must be founded on a high-quality economic analysis. I will study the ideas of our top economists with great interest,” says Minister of Finance Petteri Orpo.


Permanent Secretary Martti Hetemäki, tel. +358 2955 30292, martti.hetemaki(at)

Kolme ekonomistia arvioi talouspolitiikan suuntaustarpeita (News item in Finnish 26 August 2016)