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The Finnish basic income experiment, what is it?

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Publication date 25.8.2016 18.20
News item

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health requests opinions on a bill regarding a basic income experiment to be carried out. But what does a basic income experiment mean? What are the objectives of the basic income experiment? How will people be chosen to participate in the experiment? What is happening now with the basic income experiment, and when does the experiment start? Director Liisa Siika-aho from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health answers these questions.

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Text version of the interview

What is the Finnish basic income experiment all about?

"The basic income experiment is part of a key project called Services to be based on customer needs, says Liisa Siika-aho. The aim of the basic income experiment is to study its potential effects on employment and to assess how social security could be reformed."

How will people be chosen to participate in the basic income experiment?

"The participants of the basic income experiment will be people between 25 and 58 years of age living in Finland and receiving labour market support or basic daily allowance, Siika-aho explains. She says that the sampling will be performed by Kela. About 2000 persons will be chosen to participate, and also a control group will be chosen so the effects can be compared between these groups."

What is happening now with the basic income experiment?  When does the experiment start?

"The proposal for a Basic Income Experiment Act will be sent on a consultation round in the coming days. After that, the research group will continue its work and complete it probably in November. The intention is to start the basic income experiment in January."

Further information

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health requests opinions on a basic income experiment (Press Release on 25 August 2016)

Video: Kimmo Vainikainen