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Finland’s new security of supply goals focus on energy supplies, digitalisation, logistics and cyber security

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 5.12.2018 11.13
Press release

Energy supplies, digital services, and logistics and transport must be safeguarded in the event of serious incidents and emergencies. It is also important to improve cyber security preparedness, according to Finland’s new security of supply objectives issued by the Government on 5 December 2018

Security of supply means the ability to uphold society’s vital functions in state of emergency. The Government emphasises the importance of safeguarding the basic structures and services essential for the vital functions of society, including both physical facilities and structures as well as electronic functions and services. Collectively, they are called the critical infrastructure.

Municipalities and private and third-sector operators key providers of security of supply

The critical infrastructure consists of a number of systems and services, including power generation, transmission and distribution systems, transport and logistics services, digital data systems, communications networks and services, payments and security transactions systems, secure time and location data systems, and water and waste management systems.

Municipalities play a key role in safeguarding security of supply and basic public services at the local level. They have a particularly important role for the critical infrastructure and the functional capacity and crisis tolerance of the local population.

The Government also emphasises the role of private-sector operators in security of supply. Finland’s security of supply is founded on the guaranteed operating conditions and competitiveness of the Finnish industry. The State must take action to ensure that Finland continue to have sufficient levels of industrial production, expertise, research and product development. 

Third-sector operators can contribute to security of supply by organising public awareness campaigns and assisting the public authorities in state of emergency.

Finland’s security environment has changed

Finland’s security of supply objectives were last updated five years ago. Since then, there have been changes and greater tension in the security situation globally and in Finland’s neighbouring areas.

National security of supply is increasingly dependent on international cooperation, especially in the case of cross-border risks, such as cyber threats and hybrid influencing. Close international cooperation is also essential in responding to climate change threats, mass migration, communicable diseases, and radiation accidents.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is responsible for the overall development of security of supply and the coordination of preparedness measures, while all ministries develop security of supply in their own sectors. The National Emergency Supply Organisation, which is a network of public, private and third-sector operators, develops and maintains Finland’s security of supply under the guidance of the National Emergency Supply Agency.

The Government decision on Finland’s security of supply objectives is the outcome of a broad-based drafting process and a consultation round. The security of supply objectives are updated approximately every five years. Read more about the decision on the website of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment at


Tomi Lounema, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 506 2697
Henri Backman, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 506 3581