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EU Urban Agenda intensifies cooperation between Member States in urban development

arbets- och näringsministeriet
Publication date 30.5.2016 11.30
News item

A new, voluntary Urban Agenda will be drawn up for the EU to enhance the cooperation between the Member States, the Commission, cities and other actors in the urban development.

In their informal meeting 30.5.2016, the EU Ministers responsible for urban policy adopted the Pact of Amsterdam, which describes the main contents of the Urban Agenda for the EU.

- New kinds of flexible, open and innovative forms of cooperation to stimulate the urban development are very welcome. This way we can strengthen Europe's competitiveness in relation to the other continents. At the same time, we can promote sustainable development and improve people's quality of life, says Minister of Economic Affairs Olli Rehn.

Olli Rehn aluehallintouudistus alueuudistus-arkisto