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Information on coronavirus in several languages

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 9.4.2020 16.02 | Published in English on 16.4.2020 at 13.38
News item

Concerns have been raised as to whether different language groups have access to sufficient information on the coronavirus. Various public authorities provide and compile official information in several languages on their websites. However, the information is scattered and online sources do not reach all target groups. One particular problem is that language minorities may not have enough information on the coronavirus and its impacts.

Different communication means and channels are needed to reach language minorities, where social media and organisations involved in immigration and integration work are in a key position. A lot of communication material on the coronavirus has already been published on various websites. Videos, pictures and recordings also reach those who cannot read and write.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment and Centre of Expertise for Immigrant Integration together with their partners are promoting multilingual communication through different channels.

Information produced by public authorities and other stakeholders in several languages has been compiled on the and websites. The public service media company Yle also publishes information on the coronavirus in several languages.