Employers obligated to notify the TE Office of dismissals of ten or more employees

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 26.3.2020 13.53
Press release

The provision obligating employers to notify the TE Office of dismissals of ten employees or more on financial or production-related grounds will be re-included in the Employment Contracts Act. The amendment will enter into force on 9 April 2020.

This obligation also applies to employers who dismiss ten employees or more as a result of restructuring proceedings or bankruptcy.

In addition to notifying the TE Office, the employer must inform the employees being dismissed of their right to an employment plan. An employment plan will be drawn up when the employee registers as an unemployed jobseeker at the TE Office. 

The obligations mentioned above also apply to maritime employment relationships and the municipal sector, subject to amendments to the Seafarers’ Employment Contracts Act and the Act on Public Servants in Local Government. Furthermore, a provision regarding preparedness for receiving employer notifications at the TE Offices will be re-included in the Act on Public Business and Employment Service.

The notification submitted to the TE Office must specify the number of employees dismissed, their occupations or work duties, and the dates when their employment relationships will terminate.

It is advisable to follow the guidelines issued by the regional TE Office on the practicalities involved in the notification process.

The Government proposes that the amendments be ratified in the presidential session on 27 March 2020.


Elli Nieminen, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 8247