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Theme of the Ahtisaari Days: All conflicts can be resolved

Publication date 13.11.2017 12.00
Press release

Press Release 198/2017 13 November 2017

The national Ahtisaari Days will be held on 15 November 2017. This year, the annual peace mediation event will be organised in Vaasa.

The aim of the Ahtisaari Days is to enhance knowledge about peace mediation, conflict resolution and the importance of reconciliation. The events also try to make peace work and abilities to resolve conflicts a part of people's daily lives by handling the theme in schools, at public events and among experts. Ideas and materials for the Ahtisaari Days can be found at:

On Wednesday 15 November, experts from the Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) will visit schools in Vaasa and tell about the importance of peace mediation and reconciliation. There will also be exercises in which pupils may practice their conflict-solving skills. In the afternoon, a panel discussion on peace mediation as a civic skill will be held at the University of Vaasa. President Martti Ahtisaari will be present for a brief interview.

Minister for Foreign Affairs Timo Soini will participate in the Ahtisaari Days by visiting the Tikkurila upper secondary school in Vantaa on 16 November.

In the previous years, the Ahtisaari Days have been held in Tampere, Oulu, Helsinki, Kuopio, Turku and Rovaniemi. The host city for the Ahtisaari Days in 2018 will be announced in Vaasa. The main organiser of the Ahtisaari Days is the CMI.

Inquiries: Matti Karvanen, Content and Communications Specialist, tel. +358 295 351 806.

The Foreign Ministry’s email addresses are in the format [email protected].