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Finland Welcomes the UN Technology Innovation Lab to Aalto University in Finland

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 29.11.2017 11.04
Press release

Press release 206/2017
29 Nov. 2017

The establishment of the first United Nations Technology Innovation Lab (UNTIL) will be launched on Thursday 30 November in a Slush side event, co-organized by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Office for Information and Communication and Technologies of the United Nations. The first lab will be housed at Aalto University campus, in A Grid, the new centre for growth companies. Two more labs will be launched in 2017 in Asia and Africa, and the global network continues to grow in 2018.

The side event will debate the role of technology in advancing progress towards the UN’s 2030 Agenda. There will also be a panel discussion in which keynote speeches will be held by Kai Mykkänen, Minister of Trade and Development of Finland, and Ilona Lundström, Director General of Enterprise and Innovation Department at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.

The first lab location in Finland has been selected in partnership with the Government of Finland and it focuses on the thematic areas of circular economy, education, peace and security, and health. Each of the global UNTIL labs will focus on different thematic areas that are central to the need of each individual lab’s specific geolocation. UNTIL labs create a platform for problem-solving between the UN, private sector, academia and civil society, with the help of start-ups.

Inquiries: Sinikka Antila, Ambassador; Senior Adviser, Trade and Development, +358 295 351 329

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