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Additional funding for the National Cyber Security Centre

liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö
Publication date 8.4.2020 16.15
Press release

In its second supplementary budget, the Government proposes EUR 300,000 of additional funding for the National Cyber Security Centre under the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency. The aim is to step up the operations of the Centre during the coronavirus epidemic.

"We are ensuring that the National Cyber Security Centre can respond to the challenges posed by the quickly changing emergency conditions. It is of utmost importance that communications networks function in all conditions. This safeguards distance working and healthcare services," says Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka.

Changes to the appropriations of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency

In the spending limits, a general increase of EUR 100 million is proposed to the basic transport infrastructure management. This will enable, in line with the Government Programme, to reduce the repair backlog by a general increase of EUR 300 million to the basic transport infrastructure management also in 2024.

As of 2021, a permanent increase of EUR 2.5 million will be introduced to the operating expense item of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency. The sum will be transferred from the basic transport infrastructure management. Following the increase, the appropriations under the operating expense item meet the scope of the Agency's operations.

The need for increased resourcing for the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency stems from the general increase of EUR 300 million made to the appropriations of the basic transport infrastructure management. A permanent increase to the operating expense item enables to strengthen the Agency's capabilities in a cost-effective way and reduce the need for external consulting. By doing so, the Agency will be able to maintain and develop its core expertise in the infrastructure network. Sufficient expertise is an unconditional requirement for the proper and cost-effective functioning of the Agency.

Infrastructure and transport will be taken into account in the next supplementary budget

In the next supplementary budget proposal, to be published in May, the Government will propose measures to help the economy recover rapidly. The need for stimulus measures with regard to infrastructure construction and transport will be examined in the same connection.

What are the next steps?

The second supplementary budget for 2020 will be submitted to Parliament on 9 April 2020.

The General Government Fiscal Plan 2021-2024 will be submitted to Parliament on 16 April 2020.

In the next supplementary budget proposal, to be published in May, the Government will propose measures to help the economy recover rapidly.

Mer information:

specialmedarbetare, Matti Sadeniemi tfn p. 040 586 7234

Statsrådet, pressmeddelande 8.4.2020: Regeringen fattade beslut om den andra tilläggsbudgetpropositionen för 2020 och planen för de offentliga finanserna 2021-2024