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Changes to the division of duties among the ministers

statsrådets kommunikationsavdelning
Publication date 28.5.2015 18.13
Press release 277/2015

The negotiators forming the new government agreed on Thursday 28 May on amendments to the division of responsibilities among the ministers.

Inquiries: Riina Nevamäki, tel. +358 40 705 2593


Prime Minister

The Prime Minister is responsible for some of the matters handled by the Government EU Affairs Department and other matters covered by the Prime Minister's Office including ownership steering issues. Of the matters handled by the Government EU Affairs Department, the Prime Minister is responsible for matters related to the European Council, amendments to the basic treaties of the European Union and appointments related to the European Union.

The Prime Minister coordinates the preparation and consideration of matters to be considered, under the Constitution, by the Government. The Prime Minister has a special responsibility for the overall coordination of digitalisation, deregulation and experimentation in the administrative branches of all ministries.

Minister of Economic Affairs

The Minister of Economic Affairs is the head of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy and handles matters falling under the Ministry, except for matters that are covered by the Minister of Justice and Employment.

Minister of Transport and Communications

The Minister of Transport and Communications is the head of the Ministry of Transport and Communications and handles matters covered by the Ministry. The Minister is also responsible for matters related to the autonomy of the Åland Islands.

Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services

The Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services is responsible for matters covered by the Department for Social and Health Services, but not those related to pharmaceuticals. The Minister is also charged with matters falling under the Department for Promotion of Welfare and Health and for matters related to equality.

Minister of Agriculture and the Environment

The Minister of Agriculture and the Environment is the head of both the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of the Environment and handles matters covered by these Ministries.

Minister of Local Government and Reform

The Minister of Local Government and Reform is responsible for matters related to local government, regional administration, personnel and governance policy, public sector ICT, the government financial controller's function and statistical services covered by the Ministry of Finance. In the Prime Minister's Office, the Minister is in charge of analysis, assessment and research activities and coordinating the objectives of the state’s sectoral research in support of decision-making.


Minister for Foreign Affairs

The Minister for Foreign Affairs is the head of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and handles matters falling under the Ministry, including matters related to the Arctic but not matters that are covered by the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development.  In addition, the Minister for Foreign Affairs handles matters covered by the Government EU Affairs Department within the Prime Minister's Office's mandate which are not covered by the Prime Minister.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs is the first deputy for the Prime Minister.

Minister of Justice and Employment

The Minister of Justice and Employment is the head of the Minister of Justice and handles matters covered by the Ministry. In addition, the Minister is responsible for matters falling under the Knowledge Management Department, Employment and Entrepreneurship Department and Labour and Trade Department of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy.

Minister of Defence

The Minister of Defence is responsible for matters covered by the Ministry of Defence.

Minister of Social Affairs and Health

The Minister of Social Affairs and Health is responsible for all other matters covered by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.


Minister of Finance

The Minister of Finance is the head of the Ministry of Finance and handles matters falling under the Ministry, except for matters that are covered by the Minister of Local Government and Reform.

Minister of Education and Culture

The Minister of Education and Culture is responsible for matters covered by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Minister of the Interior

The Minister of the Interior is responsible for matters covered by the Ministry of the Interior.

Minister for Foreign Trade and Development

Minister for Foreign Trade and Development is responsible for matters related to trade policy, development cooperation and Nordic cooperation.

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