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Finland applies for EU support for the Helsinki railway yard and City Rail Loop

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 24.2.2015 11.20
Press release

Finland applies for a total of EUR 133.7 million of TEN-T support for rail connections and sea routes. The support is allocated to the development of trans-European transport networks in the EU.

The Government has decided to implement the so-called Helra project to improve the Helsinki railway yard. A political decision on other projects for which support has been applied was reached earlier. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Policy adopted a resolution on the City Rail Loop (Pisararata) on 9 January.

To improve the efficiency of the Helsinki railway yard a total of EUR 3 million is applied for planning and EUR 10.8 million for construction of the yard. The budget for the project is EUR 61 million.

A total of EUR 12.16 million in support is applied for the planning of the City Rail Loop and EUR 66.8 million for the construction work. The City Rail Loop will be a commuter train line under the Helsinki city centre. It will ensure efficient rail traffic in a large area and increase punctuality and reliability in long-distance and commuter traffic. It will improve the flow of commuter traffic in the whole of southern Finland. At the cost level of 2020 the budget for the City Rail Loop is EUR 956 million. The State contribution covers 80 per cent of the construction costs.

In addition to traffic impacts, both rail projects will have a significant effect on economy and employment.

Minister Risikko: Rail traffic must be developed as an entity

Minister of Transport and Local Government Paula Risikko is very pleased that the efficiency of the Helsinki railway yard will be improved.

"Improvements to the Helsinki railway yard are absolutely necessary for the development of rail traffic in the whole of Finland. I am very pleased that the Government now views rail traffic as an entity. I have repeatedly highlighted the fact that the City Rail Loop alone will not solve the problems of rail traffic in the Helsinki area. The greatest benefits will be gained together with other rail projects", she says.

Support also applied for other infrastructure projects

TEN-T support is also applied for planning, EUR 1.15 million, and construction, EUR 8.4 million, of a western additional rail line in Central Pasila, for construction of the first phase of the Pasila-Riihimäki rail section and the Riihimäki triangle track, EUR 30.7 million, and for planning of the Vuosaari sea route, EUR 700,000.

The State of Finland is involved in six other international projects for which support of around EUR 7 million is applied. These projects relate to intelligent transport, disruption management in road transport and maritime traffic control.

Support is also applied by other project operators.

The Commission estimates that decisions on TEN-T support will be made in July 2015.

During its EU membership, 1995-2014, Finland has received altogether EUR 317 million of TEN-T support, i.e. on average EUR 16 million a year.

The Trans-European Transport Network TEN-T comprises of road, railway, inland waterway, flight and maritime connections in the European Union. Its purpose is to enhance the EU's internal market and regional cohesion and to promote a sustainable transport system. A further important goal is to improve regional competitiveness and employment.

Further information
Juuso Rönnholm, Special Adviser, tel. +358 50 574 1504
Lassi Hilska, Senior Adviser, tel. +358 295 34 2497