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Preparations for the national transport system plan are under way – consultation round on the impact assessment programme begins

Publication date 22.11.2019 10.33
Press release

Preparations for Finland's first 12-year national transport system plan are under way. The Ministry of Transport and Communications requests comments on how the transport system plan should be drawn up and how its impacts should be assessed. Comments can be submitted until 24 January 2020.

Preparations for Finland's first 12-year national transport system plan are under way. The Ministry of Transport and Communications requests comments on how the transport system plan should be drawn up and how its impacts should be assessed. Comments can be submitted until 24 January 2020.

With the national transport system plan, a long-term perspective can be adopted to transport policy. The plan will be prepared in a parliamentary process.

The parliamentary steering group met for the first time on Friday, 22 November 2019. The group, chaired by Minister of Transport and Communications Sanna Marin, will determine the objectives for the national transport system plan and steer the preparation of the related action plan.

Consultation round on the starting points for the planning

The measures in the transport system plan will have an impact on the environment, movement of people, and transport services in the business sector. Now is an opportunity for citizens, stakeholders and authorities to present their views on the preparation of the plan.

Views are requested on the implementation of the impact assessment, which is an essential part of the preparations for the transport system plan. The impact assessment programme includes a description on how the plan will be drawn up and how its impacts will be assessed. The assessment will include the following perspectives:

1. Accessibility and the service level of travel and transport

2. Economic sustainability

3. Social sustainability

4. Ecological sustainability

5. Safety and security

The impact assessment for the national transport system plan is regulated by the Act on the Environmental Impact Assessment of Plans and Programmes by the Authorities. The objective of the Act is to promote environmental impact assessment and consideration and to improve people's opportunities for participation. The national transport system plan is based on the Act on the Transport System and Highways.

Feedback is requested on factors influencing Finland's transport system

The Transport and Communications Agency (TrafiCom) has examined the current state of the transport system and the changes in the operating environment affecting the system.

An extensive survey will be carried out on the draft report so that the preparation of the national transport system plan can be based, as far as possible, on a shared understanding of the change factors affecting the transport system that should be taken into account in its planning.

Feedback on the draft report on the State of the Transport System and Changes in the Operating Environment can be provided until 31 December 2019.


The transport system comprises the transport network and services; support functions for the transport system, such as data and traffic control; and all transport modes: road, railway, water and air transport. 

The national transport system plan, on the other hand, includes an action plan on how the transport network will be planned, constructed and maintained, and what kind of transport and mobility services will be purchased. The plan will include a twelve-year government funding programme.

A long-term 12-year plan reaching across government terms will ensure that the development of the transport system is predictable from the perspective of people, businesses, municipalities and the public sector.

What next?

The Ministry of Transport and Communications requests comments by 24 January 2020. The aim is to complete the transport system plan in spring 2021. The plan, which will be drawn up for 2021-2032, will be approved by the Government.


Ilkka Hamunen, Special Adviser to the Minister, tel. + 358 50 478 1027

Sabina Lindström, Director General, tel. +358 40 527 6103, [email protected] Twitter @LindstromSabina

Timo Kievari, Director of Unit, tel. +358 40 059 3706, [email protected], Twitter @TimoKievari

Tuire Valkonen, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 50 570 8334, [email protected],Twitter @valkonentuire (service for online consultation) Request for comments on the assessment programme of the national transport system plan
Survey by the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (TrafiCom)
Gateway to Information on Government Projects: National transport system plan (LVM018:00/2019)