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Children’s Independence Day party hosted by Prime Minister Rinne coming up

valtioneuvoston viestintäosasto
Publication date 27.11.2019 9.03 | Published in English on 27.11.2019 at 9.16
Press release 616/2019

Hundreds of children all over Finland will soon be getting ready for the annual Independence Day party for Finnish children, to be hosted this year by Prime Minister Antti Rinne.

Two ten-year-olds from every municipality have been invited to the event, which will take place at the House of the Estates on 5 December. The theme for this year’s celebration is ‘Finland in the World and the World in Finland’.

“It is a great joy for me to host this feast for the first time and to welcome children from all around the country. I am really looking forward to hearing what my special guests are particularly proud of in Finland. One of my most important tasks as the prime minister is to build the Finnish welfare state into an even better place, especially for children, who are our future,” Prime Minister Rinne says.

“This traditional feast is a great way of including children in celebrating Finland. The children’s party focuses on fun and games for everyone, leaving no one out. The Children’s Independence Day party also reminds us of the rights of children, and that they are citizens who have important things to say to us adults,” says Milla Kalliomaa, Secretary-General of the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare.

The Prime Minister’s Office is planning and organising the party jointly with the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare and the Office of the Ombudsman for Children.

Inquiries: Tiina-Kaisa Laakso-Liukkonen, Production Manager, tel. +358 295 160 220 and Heta-Leena Sierilä, Head of Communications, tel. +358 40 588 8589, Prime Minister’s Office.

Antti Rinne hallitus