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New data cable to make Finland's one of the world's most attractive ICT regions

statsrådets kommunikationsavdelning
Publication date 11.12.2013 13.00
Press release 531/2013

The state intends to build a fast, high-quality and cyber-secure connection to European and global networks from Finland to Germany via an underwater fibre optic cable. The cable is to ensure international telecommunications between East and West and support the growth of Finland's digital economy and the industrial internet. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Policy discussed the data cable project in its meeting today, 11 December.

The cable will travel from Germany to Finland under the Baltic Sea and join the Finnish fibre optic cable network which runs along the railway lines. This will make high-speed data connections available throughout Finland which, in turn, will improve the country's competitiveness in ICT technologies and digital services.

Governia, a state-owned company with special assignment, has acquired Corenet Oy which will act as the data cable management company. Coronet owns a 7,100-kilometre long network of fibre optic cables in Finland. The company is well suited for the task as it offers services to a wide range of businesses and corporations.

- So far, all data transmission to Finland has taken place via the Öresund Bridge, that is through Denmark and Sweden. With the new cable , Finland has the opportunity of becoming a unique global data hub. This will enhance Finland's position in global competition and create new growth opportunities for our ICT technology, says Pekka Haavisto, minister responsible for state ownership steering.

The new data transmission cable will raise the protection of Finland's international connections and data security to a new level and create preconditions for data centre investments and establishment of information-intensive industry in Finland.

- The sub-sea cable was included in the Government's structural policy programme this autumn. To develop basic ICT infrastructure and the operating conditions for information-intensive industry, Finland will now invest in improving high-speed international connections, says Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen.

Both national and international operators and other stakeholders have expressed their interest in the project. A number of significant international ICT and Big Data businesses have signalled their willingness to invest after the opening of the new connection.

- Globalisation is not only about the movement of people, goods and capital – today, the movement of information has become all the more important. By joining our extensive terrestrial cable network with the sub-sea cable, we will provide access to the world's fastest data connections throughout the country. One day, a cable running under the North-East Passage could be linked to the Finnish and the Baltic Sea cable. This would make Finland a decisive link in the network of global data transmission, says Minister Haavisto.

Inquiries: Ville Hulkkonen, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 44 077 7226, Prime Minister’s Office

Jyrki Katainen Pekka Haavisto