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The Ministry for Foreign Affairs to continue funding of CSOs' communications and global education projects

Publication date 6.2.2018 10.50
Press release

The Foreign Ministry will invite CSOs to submit proposals for funding development communications and global education projects in 2018, like before.

Last autumn, the Ministry studied if it was possible to transfer the management of the support under the administration of the Finnish National Agency for Education. In that case the funding could have been applied by the organisers of education, and these organisations would have become partners of cooperation in the projects to be funded.

The Foreign Ministry also consulted CSOs and explored other options for the development of the form of support. Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Kai Mykkänen noted that the reform will not be implemented this year but discussion about the reforms and their implementation should be continued.

The dates and criteria concerning the Call for Proposals for the period 2019–2020 will be informed later.

Inquiries: Jyrki Nissilä, Director, Unit for Civil Society, tel. +358 295 351205.

The Foreign Ministry's email addresses are of the format [email protected].

Kai Mykkänen