Recommendations for artificial intelligence

OKM021:00/2024 Development

The recommendations for artificial intelligence, AI, support competence related to AI in education, teaching and training. Strengthening competence promotes increasing understanding of AI, its safe use and equal opportunities for education and training actors to utilise emerging technologies in learning.

Basic information In progress

Relation to the Government Programme


Luku 5 Osaava Suomi

Goals and results

The aim is to increase understanding of AI and promote its responsible and safe use. The recommendations support the understanding and management of AI among education, teaching and guidance staff, as well as its use as a tool. Furthermore, the recommendations aim to strengthen the opportunities of education providers to guarantee all learners with equal opportunities to develop their skills and understanding and to utilise emerging technologies.

The recommendations will be published on the website of the Finnish National Agency for Education, which includes information and instructions that respond to the key questions and challenges posed by providers of early childhood education and care, primary and lower secondary education, general upper secondary education and vocational education and training as well as teachers.


The recommendations for artificial intelligence, AI, support competence related to AI in education, teaching and training. Strengthening competence promotes increasing understanding of AI, its safe use and equal opportunities for education and training actors to utilise emerging technologies in learning.

Starting points

Competence related to AI is a skill needed in society. AI and learning analytics change learning processes and affect the perception of knowledge and teaching. The rapid increase in the use of AI-based applications is a global education issue.

AI is becoming a larger part of teaching and learning. Education, teaching and training providers have requested instructions on how to utilise it. The recommendations are also linked to the Futures work in comprehensive schools in the Government Programme and the promotion of digital basic skills as part of the implementation of Finland's digital compass. Additionally, the recommendations are prepared as a part of the Framework for Digitalisation in Early Childhood Education and Care, Comprehensive School Education and Liberal Adult Education, and they contribute to achieve the Target state of digitalisation in early childhood education and care, pre-primary, primary and lower secondary education.

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