Whistleblower protection Directive

Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law

OM028:00/2018 Statute drafting

The proposal aims to improve the efficiency of the implementation of Union law by creating uniform minimum standards at Union level for the protection of whistleblowers.

Basic information Completed

Project number OM028:00/2018

Case numbers VN/2434/2018

Set by Ministry of Justice

Task class Preparation of a government proposal

Term/schedule 23.4.2018 – 20.12.2022

Date of appointment 23.4.2018

Relation to the Government Programme


Strategiset kokonaisuudet Safe and secure Finland built on the rule of law

Strategiset kokonaisuudet Strengthening the rule of law

Law drafting

HE laiksi Euroopan unionin ja kansallisen oikeuden rikkomisesta ilmoittavien henkilöiden suojelusta sekä siihen liittyviksi laeiksi (ilmoittajansuojelulaki)

Parliamentary reply EV 195/2022

Esityksellä pannaan kansallisesti täytäntöön Euroopan parlamentin ja neuvoston direktiivi unionin oikeuden rikkomisesta ilmoittavien henkilöiden suojelusta 2019/1937 (23.10.2019), EUVL L 305/34, 26.11.2019. Direktiivillä pyritään parantamaan unionin oikeuden täytäntöönpanon tehokkuutta luomalla unionitasoiset yhdenmukaiset vähimmäisvaatimukset väärinkäytösten ilmoittajien suojelulle. Direktiivillä halutaan varmistaa, että ilmoittaja, joka työnsä yhteydessä havaitsee tai epäilee yleisen edun vastaista toimintaa erikseen määritellyillä EU:n oikeuden aloilla, voi ilmoittaa asiasta turvallisesti. Näin voitaisiin ennaltaehkäistä yleiseen etuun kohdistuvia uhkia tai vakavia haittoja.

Minister in chargeMinister of Justice Henriksson

Additional information

  • Finance act: Legislative proposal affecting state revenues or commanding appropriations to purposes set out in the law.

  • Processed by: Advisory Committee on Local Government Finances and Administration

Legislative plan for autumn session 2022

Contact person
Juha Keränen, Neuvotteleva virkamies
[email protected]

Goals and results

The Directive aims to improve the efficiency of the implementation of Union law by creating uniform minimum standards at Union level for the protection of whistleblowers. The Directive aims to ensure that whistleblowers who, in the course of their work, detect or suspect activities contrary to the public interest in separately defined areas of EU law can report the matter safely. This would help to prevent threats or serious harm to the public interest.


The proposal aims to improve the efficiency of the implementation of Union law by creating uniform minimum standards at Union level for the protection of whistleblowers.

Starting points

Nowadays, the protection of whistle-blowers is inconsistent in the EU, and in all situations, whistleblowers do not receive proper protection against retaliatory actions. This, in turn, may lead to people not dare to report abuses and not being informed of them. The Directive aims to improve this by establishing common minimum standards for the protection of whistleblowers in areas where it is necessary to strengthen enforcement, where unreported wrongdoing is a key factor weakening implementation and where breaches can cause serious harm to the public interest.

Additional information

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