Quantum Technology Strategy

TEM048:00/2024 Development

The national quantum technology strategy defines objectives and targets for the development of business and competitiveness of the quantum ecosystem in Finland. It defines also measures and guidelines to ensure that quantum ecosystem in Finland stands internationally at the cutting edge and is capable to utilise quantum technologies in the renewal of industry.

Project status

Basic information In progress

Project number TEM048:00/2024

Case numbers VN/7574/2024

Set by Ministry of Employment and the Economy

Term/schedule 1.5.2024 – 14.3.2025

Date of appointment 2.5.2024

Relation to the Government Programme


Luku 6 Kasvun kaava

Alaluku 6.4 Kasvua datataloudesta ja digitalisaatiosta

Luku 8 Uuden aikakauden ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikka

Alaluku 8.1 Aktiivinen ja kansainvälinen Nato-Suomi

Contact person
Martti Myllylä, Neuvotteleva virkamies
[email protected]

Goals and results

The mandate of the working group is to prepare a proposal for a national quantum technology strategy for the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. The proposal should contain objectives and targets for the development of the business and competitiveness of the quantum ecosystem in Finland as well as measures and guidelines to ensure the success of Finnish quantum ecosystem and its’ capability to utilize quantum technologies in the renewal of Finnish industry.


The national quantum technology strategy defines objectives and targets for the development of business and competitiveness of the quantum ecosystem in Finland. It defines also measures and guidelines to ensure that quantum ecosystem in Finland stands internationally at the cutting edge and is capable to utilise quantum technologies in the renewal of industry.

Starting points

Quantum technology is seen globally as the next significant disruptive technology, both in terms of security policy and economically. Finland is recognised as one of the leading countries in the sector at the moment. Maintaining a pioneering position is not a matter of course. We need a strategic vision of what Finland is aiming for, what it is investing in and with whom it cooperates.

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Kvanttiteknologiastrategian valmistelu käynnistynyt

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment Press release 6.6.2024 9.10