Coordination group for the implementation of the EU’s digital and data legislation

LVM005:00/2023 Development

The aim of the group is to support and coordinate the preparation of the national implementation of EU digital and data initiatives and, in particular, to coordinate the implementation of the work of authorities in an appropriate manner.

Basic information Completed

Project number LVM005:00/2023

Case numbers VN/26482/2022

Set by Ministry of Transport and Communications

Term/schedule 19.1.2023 – 30.6.2024

Date of appointment 18.11.2022

Goals and results

The implementation of digital and data legislation requires that their closer relationship with general legislation will be examined. In addition, the implementation of each data and digital initiative requires a common discussion and understanding of how official duties and obligations as well as cooperation should be organised in an appropriate manner in the future.


The aim of the group is to support and coordinate the preparation of the national implementation of EU digital and data initiatives and, in particular, to coordinate the implementation of the work of authorities in an appropriate manner.

Starting points

EU:ssa on valmisteilla runsaasti uutta sääntelyä digi- ja data-aiheista. Niillä on liityntä yleissääntelyyn, jota on annettu mm. tietosuojasta, asiakirjajulkisuudesta, immateriaalioikeuksista, kuluttajansuojasta sekä valvovien viranomaisten toimivallasta. Uuteen sääntelyyn sisältyy osa-alueita, jotka ovat säädöksissä osittainpäällekkäisiä.