Mineral strategy

TEM126:00/2023 Development

The strategy will contain a common view of the raw material supply situation in the minerals sector and industry as well as main policies and their objectives. The work primarily aims to promote the growth of the Finnish mineral cluster in order to strengthen the clean transition and Europe’s strategic autonomy. Another objective is to increase the value added of the raw materials from the mining industry.

Basic information In progress

Project number TEM126:00/2023

Case numbers VN/32318/2023

Set by Ministry of Employment and the Economy

Term/schedule 19.12.2023 – 31.12.2024

Date of appointment 19.12.2023

Relation to the Government Programme


Luku 6 Kasvun kaava

Alaluku 6.1 Nostetaan yrittäjyyden ja omistajuuden arvostusta

Goals and results

The Programme of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s Government states that the Government will prepare a new mineral strategy.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment appointed a steering group to prepare a mineral strategy in accordance with the Government Programme on 19 December 2023. The strategy is due to be completed by the end of 2024.


The strategy will contain a common view of the raw material supply situation in the minerals sector and industry as well as main policies and their objectives. The work primarily aims to promote the growth of the Finnish mineral cluster in order to strengthen the clean transition and Europe’s strategic autonomy. Another objective is to increase the value added of the raw materials from the mining industry.

Starting points

Finland’s previous mineral strategy was prepared in 2010. The 2010 mineral strategy highlights the importance of the availability and production of natural resources and the risks arising from the uneven geographical distribution of mineral resources.
Achieving the objectives of the green and digital transition (the so-called dual transition) is expected to increase the need for raw materials. Access to raw materials is also essential for the defence sector. The crises of recent years, such as the coronavirus pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, have demonstrated the vulnerability of the raw material supply in Finland and the entire EU. The European Union has taken action in this regard. The European Critical Raw Materials Act is due to come into force at the beginning of 2024. In addition to EU measures, national measures have been considered to be necessary in Finland.
The global instability has revealed our economic and political dependence on raw materials. Access to critical raw materials is also a bottleneck in the transition from fossil fuels to a clean energy system. In addition to mineral self-sufficiency, Finland must also strengthen the sustainability and circular economy of the mining sector. The preparation of a mineral strategy is very topical against this backdrop.

Additional information

Read more

Working group appointed to prepare a national mineral strategy

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment Press release 20.12.2023 9.18