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Focus on Finland 2015 – Finland lives off nature

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 29.1.2015 13.16
Press release 29/2015

Focus on Finland, the annual publication showcasing Finland for key international markets, has just been published for the thirteenth time. The magazine provides inspirational perspectives on Finnish business, culture, education, and society.

“The contents of this year's magazine all comes from Finnish nature. Nature is the basis for the bioeconomy, well-being, and creativity – very different areas of life, which form Finnish intellectual capital,” says editor-in-chief Petra Theman from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.  “Forests are introduced both as a renewable natural resource, and as a source of inspiration for Finnish artists.”

In Finland, a lot of business is based on strong know-how in mobile technology. The solution areas vary from industrial internet to digital health care technology. At the same time, our universities are conducting ground-breaking, cutting-edge research, the commercial solutions of which generate competitiveness for example in the textile, pharmaceutical, or construction industries. These are some of the topics discussed in Focus on Finland. 

Focus is a joint publication by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Sitra, Invest in Finland/Finpro, and Finnfacts, which are responsible for the contents. The magazine is distributed primarily by Finnish embassies; it is also distributed at international trade events and seminars showcasing Finnish know-how. Otavamedia Customer Communications is responsible for the magazine's production.

You can read and share Focus articles online at Free copies of the printed magazine can be ordered at the same address. In March, Focus will be available in Chinese, German, Spanish, and Russian.

Further information:
Petra Theman, Counsellor, Director, Unit for Public Diplomacy, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, tel. +358 295 351558
Mervi Liukkonen, Director of Communications, Ministry of Employment and the Economy, tel. +358 295 064 786
Sari Tuori, Communications Manager, Sitra, tel. +358 40 5941 441
Outi Torniainen, Senior Vice President, Communications & Marketing, Finpro, tel. +358 40 512 1375
Katja Anttila, Communications Manager, Finnfacts, tel. +358 40 162 7663