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Prime Minister Juha Sipilä to the Doha Forum

Government Communications Department
Publication date 11.5.2017 14.25
Press release 227/2017

Prime Minister Juha Sipilä will visit Qatar on 15–16 May and will attend the 17th Doha Forum, to be held in the capital city. The Doha Forum is one of the internationally best-known annual meeting places for experts, policy-makers, business representatives and civil society representatives. The aim of the Forum is to promote discussion of regional and global stability and economic prosperity.

This year the Doha Forum will concentrate on the themes of development, stability and refugees. Prime Minister Sipilä will participate in the Closing Session of the Doha Forum on Monday, 15 May, entitled Development, Stability and Refugees Rights: Future Perspective.

In Qatar, Prime Minister Sipilä will also meet the country’s top leadership.

Inquiries: Special Adviser (International Affairs) Anna-Kaisa Heikkinen, tel. +358 40 7483 867, and Anne Sjöholm, Head of Communications for EU Affairs, tel. +358 40 537 0733, Prime Minister’s Office.