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Sweden announces ambition to take on role as Framework Nation in NATO enhanced forward presence to be established in Finland

Ministry of Defence
Publication date 16.9.2024 13.15 | Published in English on 16.9.2024 at 13.29
Press release

The governments of Finland and Sweden held a joint session in Stockholm on 16 September 2024. The purpose of the joint session was to further deepen cooperation between the two countries.

In connection with the joint session, Finnish Minister of Defence Antti Häkkänen met one-on-one with Swedish Minister for Defence Pål Johnson. They discussed armaments cooperation and the establishment of NATO forward land forces (FLF) in Finland, which NATO approved in the June meeting of allied defence ministers. The FLF model requires what is called a framework nation, which plays an important role in the implementation of the forward presence.

"Since the spring, we have been discussing Sweden's possible role in NATO's Land Forces presence to be established in Finland. I am very happy that Sweden has today announced its ambition to assume the framework nation role in the enhanced forward presence to be established in Finland," said Minister of Defence Häkkänen.

The matter is yet to be officially decided by the Swedish Government.

"Finland and Sweden have a long history of close bilateral defence cooperation. This is a major new step in the defence relationship between our countries. Finland and Sweden are now allies. Together, we make NATO stronger and make a strong contribution to the development of NATO's collective deterrence and defence. We are also in discussions with other potential participant countries," said Minister Häkkänen.

In its budget session held on 3 September 2024, the Finnish Government decided on an additional appropriation of EUR 67 million for needs arising from NATO membership.

"Through determined efforts, we have gained support from our Allies for our goals in NATO. An enhanced forward presence in Finland combined with our robust national capabilities make for a strong overall deterrence and defence," Häkkänen said.

At the joint session, the ministers held wide-ranging talks about cooperation between the two countries. At the end of the session, the countries will issue a declaration on the further development of bilateral cooperation. The previous joint session of the Finnish and Swedish governments was held in Hämeenlinna in May 2009, during Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen's term in office.

Inquiries regarding the joint session should be directed to Janne Kuusela, Director General, Ministry of Defence: tel. +358 295 140 300. Requests for interviews with the Minister of Defence should be directed to Kristian Vakkuri, Head of Communications, tel. +358 295 140 123.

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