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Prime Minister Stubb to World Economic Forum in Switzerland

Government Communications Department
Publication date 19.1.2015 13.44
Press release 25/2015

On 21-23 January, Prime Minister Alexander Stubb will attend the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. This year the forum will focus on stability and growth, cooperation in crisis situations, the global security situation and industrial innovations.

During the meeting, Prime Minister Stubb will attend a panel discussion debating economic growth and political stability in Europe. The panel participants will also include the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz and Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho. You may follow the discussion on the forum website on Thursday starting at 10.15 (local time).

Thursday's lunch discussion will focus on the top policy priorities for the new European Commission and the impact on the rest of the world. Commission Vice-Presidents Frans Timmermans and Jyrki Katainen and European Investment Bank President Werner Hoyer will also participate in the discussion.

Prime Minister Stubb's programme will include one-on-one talks, business visits and meetings with the international media. Prime Minister Stubb will, for example, have a meeting with OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría.

Approximately 2,500 participants from 140 countries, including more than 40 Heads of State or Government, are expected to attended the forum.

Inquiries: Maarit Kaltio, Special Adviser (Economic Policy Affairs), tel. +358 44 582 8217 and Pete Pokkinen, Special Adviser (Press Relations), tel. +358 40 756 7180, Prime Minister's Office

Forum website