Finland ratifies EU association agreements with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 24.4.2015 11.50
Press release 114/2015

On Friday 24 April, the President of the Republic accepted the association agreements concluded between the EU and its Member States and Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. The agreements deepen the countries' political and economic cooperation with the EU and its Member States.

The aim of the agreements is to gradually integrate the countries into the EU's internal market by establishing a deep and comprehensive free trade area (DCFTA) between the Union and the association countries. The agreements support stability and democracy in the countries and create a framework for further deepening of economic relations. The agreements also aim to promote sector specific cooperation in various branches of public administration and develop the reliability and effectiveness of the countries' public sectors.

Finland signed the agreements in Brussels in June 2014, together with the other EU Member States. Each agreement will enter into force after having been nationally adopted by all parties. Certain parts of the agreements have been provisionally applied between the EU and Moldova and between the EU and Georgia since 1 September 2014 and between the EU and Ukraine since 1 November 2014. In its plenary session on 10 March 2015, Parliament adopted a government proposal (HE 355/2014 vp) on the adoption of the agreements.

Additional information: Päivi Peltokoski, Director of Unit for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, tel. +358 295 351 523 or Henrik Veikanmaa, Project Officer, tel. +358 295 351 566.