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Kare Halonen continues as State Secretary for EU Affairs

Government Communications Department
Publication date 26.4.2018 13.19 | Published in English on 26.4.2018 at 14.20
Press release 218/2018

On 26 April, the Government appointed Licentiate of Laws Kare Halonen as Director General of the Government EU Affairs Department at the Prime Minister's Office for a fixed term. The Director General holds the honorary title of State Secretary for EU Affairs.

Halonen has held the position since July 2008. He has previously worked at the EFTA Secretariat in Geneva, at the delegation for the Finnish EU membership, at the Permanent Representation of Finland to the European Union in Brussels in 1995–2004, and as Director General of the Department for Europe at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. 

Inquiries: Timo Lankinen, Permanent State Under-Secretary, Prime Minister’s Office, tel.  +358 295 160 300