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Finland advocates more ambitious EU climate policy

Government Communications Department
Publication date 25.4.2018 15.37 | Published in English on 26.4.2018 at 13.34
Press release 215/2018

Finland is one of the countries in a group of Member States that is preparing further measures for a more stringent climate policy. One concrete step that Finland proposes is that heating in individual properties be included in emissions trading. Altogether 75% of all heating in the EU region relies on fossil fuel.

‘Finland has been very active in environmental matters and in taking concrete action during this government term. I too have encouraged the EU to take global leadership in environmental issues,’ said Prime Minister Juha Sipilä at an event organised by Energiateollisuus in Helsinki.

‘Minister of the Environment and Energy Kimmo Tiilikainen will put forward the goal to develop emissions trading in Paris today, where a group of EU Member States have convened to advocate more action for mitigating climate change. It is a good thing that Finland is in this group, which will continue to be a frontrunner in formulating major goals and actions in climate policy,’ observed Sipilä. 

France, Germany, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Portugal and Luxembourg are currently convening in Paris. To better promote the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement, the group aims to encourage the European Commission to submit an ambitious proposal for a strategy to reduce emissions in the long term.

‘During this government term Finland has set the objective of reaching a carbon-neutral society by 2045. We have decided to cut emissions from transport by one half. We will increase the share of renewable energy in energy use by 50%. We will stop burning coal altogether before 2030. These are significant climate actions that have also been noted internationally,’ observed Sipilä.

‘I will need to discuss further measures for mitigating climate change with my colleagues in the European Council too, and this is what I plan to do,’ the Prime Minister noted.

Inquiries: Kari Jääskeläinen, Special Adviser, tel. +358 295 160 544, Prime Minister's Office