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The President of the Republic and the Ministerial Committee on Foreign and Security Policy discussed US foreign policy, INF Treaty and NATO

Government Communications Department
Publication date 9.11.2018 13.11 | Published in English on 9.11.2018 at 15.06
Press release 524/2018

On Friday 9 November, the President of the Republic and the Ministerial Committee on Foreign and Security Policy discussed relations with the US, topical transatlantic questions between the EU and the United States as well as US foreign and trade policy in the light of the recent mid-term elections.

The meeting also discussed the INF Treaty between the United States and Russia on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range missiles. Finland encourages finding solutions, because, in the changed world situation, it is important to make sure the arms control regimes remain in force and are developed.

The President of the Republic and the Ministerial Committee on Foreign and Security Policy also received an update on topical matters related to NATO and Finland’s NATO partnership. Finland cooperates closely with NATO in the context of the Enhanced Opportunities Partnership (EOP).

The meeting also discussed Nordic Defence Cooperation Vision 2025, the intention being to sign it in Oslo next week.

Inquiries: Jukka Salovaara, Director-General, tel. +358 295 350 636, Soili Kangaskorpi, Director of Unit (United States), tel. +358 295 350 008, Ministry for Foreign Affairs; Otto Saxén (crisis management), Director of Unit, tel. +358 295 140 314, Ministry of Defence.