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Finland not applying for EU SURE loan

Ministry of Finance
Publication date 26.1.2021 11.23
Press release

The European Union’s SURE instrument (temporary Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency) offers financial assistance to Member States in the form of EU loans to address sudden increases in public expenditure for the preservation of employment.

The application process for EU SURE loans is under way. Finland has not so far applied for a loan under SURE and does not plan to do so. Finland is itself able to borrow on favourable terms from the markets, making it unattractive to take a SURE loan, because this would include bearing the borrowing costs, fees and expenses incurred by European Commission.

SURE is designed to provide temporary financial assistance for EU Member States facing substantial costs in combating the negative economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. The financial support is given as loans which the EU grants to Member States on favourable terms. 


Marketta Henriksson, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 2955 30441, marketta.henriksson(at)