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Government proposal to enter private interests of members of appeal boards in open register

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Publication date 17.11.2022 13.59 | Published in English on 18.11.2022 at 14.01
Press release 267/2022

The Government proposes that the private interests of the members of the appeal boards operating under the administrative branch of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health be entered in the same register as the private interests and extra-judicial activities of judges. At the same time, the register's name would be changed to the register of private interests and outside employment. 

The Government also proposes to specify and harmonise the provisions on private interests that are included in the Acts concerning the said appeal boards. The registration of judges would not be changed.

The proposal aims to increase the openness and transparency of decision-making in the appeal boards and the closely comparable Traffic Accidents and Patient Injuries Board. This would be achieved by making it easier for the public to access information on the possible private interests of board members. 

In future, it would be possible to obtain information on the private interests of board members from an open electronic register if the information was not to be kept secret and it was not subject to any restrictions regarding disclosure. 

The acts would enter into force on 1 January 2024. 


Eva Aalto, Ministerial Adviser, [email protected]