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Preventing the spread of coronavirus of utmost importance

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Publication date 8.5.2020 18.14 | Published in English on 9.5.2020 at 15.28
Press release 113/2020

The aim of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is to prevent the spread of the coronavirus epidemic in Finland. This needs to be clarified because of the incorrect claims published, for example, in the newspaper Helsingin Sanomat on 8 May.

The Government’s aim is to prevent the spread of the virus, to safeguard the capacity of the healthcare system and to protect people, especially those who are most at risk. The emergency conditions due to the epidemic continue to be in force. The decrees issued under the Emergency Powers Act are needed in order to keep the situation under control and to safeguard the functioning of the healthcare system.

There is still a great risk that the disease will spread. This is why the restrictions will be gradually lifted and the situation will be closely monitored. The restrictions may be introduced again, if the circumstances so require.

We are, to an increasing extent, taking the ‘test, trace, isolate and treat’ approach into use. This is how we will slow down the spread of the virus. At the same time, we are ensuring that our intensive care capacity can be safeguarded in all circumstances.

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Government share a common policy concerning the coronavirus epidemic.


Kirsi Varhila, Permanent Secretary, [email protected]

The formulations of the press release have been updated to correspond with the policies outlined in the government resolution published on 6 May 2020.