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Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Publication date 7.5.2018 10.25 | Published in English on 11.5.2018 at 15.38
News item

Do you need information on the regional government, health and social services reform or key projects? Not to worry! Numerous different websites provide information from varying perspectives. is the national source of information on the regional government, health and social services reform. The website is intended first and foremost for citizens. An information package for regional government decision-makers and general content for personnel will also be produced for the website. provides an overview of the regional government, health and social services reform and county services. It provides information in clear and concise language on what the reform will mean for different types of people and people at various stages of their lives.

The website is continuously updated and supplemented. The site will come to include examples of different service paths for health and social services. is maintained by the Finnish Government meaning that the website's content is produced by its various ministries. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is responsible for content related to health and social services. However, the counties will bear primary responsibility for communication concerning health and social services by providing information to their residents in their own channels.

The website is the most important source of expert information on the regional government, health and social services reform. It is principally intended for those involved in the preparation of the regional government, health and social services reform and other professionals working with the reform. The media also actively uses the website.

The website presents varying perspectives on the reform. The front page is updated continuously with the newest news and blogs. The General information section provides a complete picture and answers to frequently asked questions.

The Health and social services page offers information on how changes to organisational responsibility and freedom of choice will impact services. This section also displays the contents for Ministry of Social Affairs and Health projects from the perspective of the health and social services reform.

The website is maintained by the ministries involved in the reform. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is responsible for content related to the health and social services reform. The website will be active for the duration of the regional government, health and social services reform's transition period and beyond for as long as is considered necessary. contains content in Finnish, Swedish and English and well as limited information in Sami and Finnish sign language.

The website is the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health's primary channel of communication and contains information on the ministry's current news, activities and tasks. is also the primary national source of information on welfare and health projects. Key projects have their own page in the Projects and legislation section.

After the transition period for the health and social services reform, permanent content on new legislation, the steering model, services and other areas will be added to the site.


Innovillage is a service intended for the collaborative forging of ideas and development work. It is utilised as part of the regional government, health and social services reform as a tool for the sharing information between regional governments and for the dissemination of good solutions. Innokylä is also utilised as the work platform for joint projects between ministries, regional governments and other actors.

Anyone can add content to Innovillage. SOSTE Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health, the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities and the National Institute for Health and Welfare are responsible for its development.


Manager, Communications Eriikka Koistinen, tel. +358 (0)295 163 133 (health and social services reform)
Communications Specialist Minna Rantala, tel. +358 (0)295 163 042 (health and social services reform)
Communications Officer Anne Koskela, tel. +358 (0)295 163 135 (key projects)
Project PR person/Communications Officer Arja Karasvirta, tel. +358 (0)295 163 518 (key projects)