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Minister Ranne: “Striving to amend legislation quickly and restore trust in taxis”

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 14.12.2023 9.05 | Published in English on 15.12.2023 at 11.27
Press release
Lulu Ranne, Minister of Transport and Communications. (Image: LVM)

The Ministry of Transport and Communications started to prepare measures to correct the shortcomings of the taxi industry and to increase trust in the entire sector last summer. At the moment, the ministry is preparing a background report and determining what needs amendment in the act as part of the preliminary preparation of the legislative project.

“We are striving to amend the legislation quickly and restore trust in taxis. We are working closely with our stakeholders to find effective ways to address the shortcomings of the taxi industry,” says Lulu Ranne, Minister of Transport and Communications.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications is investigating legislative amendments and other measures concerning the taxi industry. The aim is to promote trust and safety in the taxi industry, improve the efficiency of supervision in the sector and combat the shadow economy. The Ministry will prepare an assessment memorandum, on which opinions will be requested in early 2024.

The Government proposal to amend the Act on Transport Services will be prepared in 2024 in cooperation with stakeholders. In addition to the legislative amendments, the aim is to find non-legislative ways to address problems in the taxi industry more quickly.

“I would like to thank all of you decent and professional taxi drivers who already provide their customers with good and safe services. We need more of you!”, says Minister Ranne.

Next steps

An assessment memorandum will be prepared in early 2024, on which opinions will be requested. After this, an actual legislative project will be launched to prepare a government proposal during 2024. The proposal will be submitted to Parliament at the beginning of 2025.

In addition to the legislative proposal, other fast-acting ways to increase confidence in the taxi industry will be explored.


Requests for interviews with Minister Ranne:
Tuomas Sorsa, Special Adviser, tuomas.sorsa(at), tel. +358 295 342 012

Taxi regulation:
Emil Asp, Director of Unit, emil.asp(at), tel. +358 295 342 498

Sissi Kohtala, Senior Specialist, sissi.kohtala(at), tel. +358 295 342 208

Inka Näkkäläjärvi, Senior Specialist, inka.nakkalajarvi(at), tel. +358 295 342 052