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Canada and Finland to continue and strengthen forestry sector cooperation

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Publication date 24.5.2019 14.58
Press release

Canada and Finland have renewed their forestry sector cooperation agreement. The parties to the five-year Memorandum of Understanding are the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland and Natural Resources Canada.

The updated Memorandum of Understanding includes a new section on forest-based bioeconomy. Both countries have a long history of work in the forest industry. The past few years have seen the development of new wood products based on new production technologies on the one hand, and more effective use of forest industry side-streams, for instance, on the other. Cooperation between Finland and Canada will continue to be based on research and development activities, which are expected to lead to an increase in commercial operations. 

“The countries’ research expertise and infrastructures complement each other very well, so both countries benefit from the cooperation,” says Jaana Husu-Kallio, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

“I am very happy to see that the tradition of forestry cooperation between Finland and Canada will continue and grow stronger thanks to this new Memorandum of Understanding,” Husu-Kallio says.  “As significant forest industry players, Finland and Canada are able to develop sustainable solutions to mitigate climate change, safeguard biodiversity, advance the bioeconomy and set a good example for other countries,” she continues.

“Natural Resources Canada has received the new forestry cooperation agreement enthusiastically. When it comes to forestry, Finland and Canada deal with similar challenges but take somewhat different approaches. This presents great opportunities for cooperation and exchanges of information,” says Jason Tolland, the Canadian Ambassador to Finland.

The Memorandum of Understanding identifies several mechanisms for implementing cooperation.

One topical theme of particular interest to both countries is advancing the circular economy. In June, Finland will host the World Circular Economy Forum. The event, organised for the third time this year, will also be attended by a sizeable Canadian delegation. Canada will hold the next forum in summer 2020.


Liisa Saarenmaa, Deputy Director, tel. 0295162429 [email protected]
Kaisa Pirkola, Ministerial Adviser, tel. 0295162350 [email protected]