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Nearly one million euros granted to support digital solutions for the blue bioeconomy

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Publication date 14.2.2019 14.12
Press release
Photo: Jyväskylän Energia Oy, Pisara

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for South Savo have granted nearly one million euros in support for digital blue bioeconomy solutions. The goal of the funding is to promote technological innovations and digital development in blue bioeconomy business. The projects receiving funding aim to find solutions in various areas, including automatic gathering and broader, smarter utilisation of data.

Funding is granted for projects promoting automation-based operating methods as part of business processes, among other objectives. The funding is used to support the utilisation of new technologies, such as the platform economy, in improving water security and in developing business activities based on the sustainable use of aquatic natural resources. The projects receiving funding are working to create solutions that renew current practices and generate blue bioeconomy-based growth using the opportunities presented by technological development. The projects also promote collaboration between the private and public sectors while further advancing internationalisation.

“Finland has an enormous amount of expertise when it comes to water and aquatic natural resources. For Finnish companies, water presents an excellent opportunity for growth and internationalisation. Given its potential, however, water-related business activities in Finland are still at a rather modest level, which is why we are using these funds to help accelerate the growth of innovative business activities and entrepreneurship,” says Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Jari Leppä.

The projects are coordinated by the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for South Savo. Of the 24 applications submitted, five will receive funding. The funding of the projects is part of the key project on bioeconomy led by Juha Sipilä’s Government.

The blue bioeconomy means business that is based on the utilisation of renewable aquatic resources. The National Development Plan for Blue Bioeconomy was drawn up in 2016. The vision of the plan is to ensure that by 2025, the blue bioeconomy will be a strong growth sector where the development of business operations is well in harmony with the good status of the aquatic environment. The key project has also included the preparation of a research and knowledge agenda for the blue economy. One of the objectives of the agenda is to identify potential business areas that present international growth opportunities for Finnish companies and competences.

Projects and implementing parties receiving funding

1. Digital solutions and business concepts to ensure the comprehensive safety of dams and dam basins

The project aims to create a new kind of business concept related to dams and dam basins based on Finnish expertise, as well as to develop a replicable, comprehensive solution to safety, environmental and other similar challenges connected to dams.  The project targets are located China and Kazakhstan in particular.

Funding: EUR 200,000
Project implemented by: KaukoInternational Oy

2. Modern online measurements to ensure water security – digitalisation and machine learning of water processes as part of the development of water management

The project develops measurement and sensor technology for real-time identification of water quality issues and investigates the commercial applications of the system.

Funding: EUR 190,500
Project implemented by: Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu Oy

3. Digitalisation of water resource measurement and observation – Smart management through new measurement technologies (VEMIDI)

The VEMIDI project uses new technologies to implement an environmental monitoring system that can be used to gather measurement and control data in real time.

Funding: EUR 216,300
Project implemented by: Finnish Environment Institute

4. Artificial intelligence and IoT in the management of water risks and water resources (ÄlyVesi)

The ÄlyVesi (SmartWater) project identifies opportunities to apply machine learning and artificial intelligence to the management of water resources and experiments with using deep learning to predict water levels.

Funding: EUR 196,000
Project implemented by: Finnish Environment Institute

5. Ensuring the safety of groundwater through real-time monitoring

The project looks into how different loading sources, such as settlement, arable farming, animal husbandry and surface waters can affect groundwater and explores whether continuous measurements can produce beneficial data for ensuring water security.

Funding: EUR 118,832
Project implemented by: National Institute for Health and Welfare

Seppo Rekolainen, Director of International Water Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, tel. +358 295162086, [email protected]
Juha Pulliainen, Director, Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for South Savo, tel. +358 295 024 162, [email protected]

Bioeconomy Jari Leppä Water