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Project Know Equality improves monitoring of discrimination in Finland

Ministry of Justice
Publication date 24.6.2021 14.56
Press release

The aim with the two-year project is to develop data collection methods and improve the accessibility of research data on discrimination.

The goal of the Project Know Equality of the Ministry of Justice is to develop new methods to improve the accessibility and usability of data on discrimination. Another goal is to increase the participation of organisations and discriminated groups in the monitoring of discrimination. 

The work will begin in summer 2021 with roundtable discussions dealing with topics such as measuring of the structural discrimination and improving the accessibility of information. Different interaction and co-creation supporting workshops as well as practical tools for discrimination monitoring will also be introduced. 

Prime Minister Marin’s Government is committed to promoting anti-discrimination work. The Project Know Equality supports the discrimination monitoring system coordinated by the Ministry of Justice and the Action Plan for Combating Racism and Promoting Good Relations between Population Groups (2021–2023), outlined in the Government Programme.

The Project Know Equality has received funding from the EU's Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC).

Senior Specialist Mia Luhtasaari, tel. +358 29 515 0130, [email protected]