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Minister of Employment Arto Satonen invites social partners to discuss the Finnish model

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 20.9.2023 8.53
Press release
Minister of Employment Arto Satonen
Minister of Employment Arto Satonen

A seminar on the Finnish labour market model will be held in Helsinki on 8 November 2023. The seminar will discuss the development needs of Finland’s labour market negotiation system and the different options for implementing the policies outlined in the Government Programme. After the seminar, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will launch an open consultation round on the topic.

In its programme, the Government outlined that the Finnish labour market negotiation system needs to be developed. The Government aims to strengthen the export-driven labour market model in order to boost Finland’s long-term competitiveness. According to the Government Programme, provisions would be laid down in the Act on Mediation in Labour Disputes so that the general level of pay adjustments cannot be exceeded by a settlement proposal issued by the National Conciliator’s Office or a conciliation board.

“We must improve our competitiveness in order to succeed in international competition and to secure the financing base of a well-functioning welfare society. For this reason, the Government will strengthen the export-driven labour market model,” says Minister of Employment Arto Satonen.

Other Nordic countries, especially Sweden, will serve as an example for the Finnish model. Irene Wennemo, Director General of the Swedish National Mediation Office (Medlingsinstitutet), and Nils Karlsson, Chief Executive and Chair of the Ratio Institute, will tell about the Swedish model at the seminar.

Open consultation round to follow the seminar

Like the Government’s other labour market reforms, the Finnish model will be prepared on a tripartite basis. Actual legislative drafting will begin in 2024. Before the law drafting begins, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment will organise a public consultation round following the seminar. 

“If the organisations have a common view that ensures a pay model based on the export industry, we will of course consider it alongside the legislative amendments,” Satonen says.

A wide range of participants from central labour market organisations, the Federation of Finnish Enterprises, and employer and employee unions have been invited to the seminar. Information on media arrangements will be provided later.

Jukka Sarhimaa, Special Adviser to the Minister of Employment, tel. +358 295 047 330 
Nico Steiner, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 049 001