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Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment appoints a board for Työkanava Ltd

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 10.5.2022 8.48
Press release

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment prepares to launch the operations of the state-owned special assignment company Työkanava Ltd on 1 July 2022. As the body responsible for the company's ownership steering, the Ministry has appointed a board of directors for Työkanava.

The board will be chaired by Under-Secretary of State Elina Pylkkänen from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment while chief executive (retired) Jukka Kinnunen will serve as vice-chair. Other members of the board are:

  • Raimo Antila, Director General, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
  • Sirpa Huuskonen, Vice President, Tokmanni
  • Essi Lindberg, Communications Manager, Labore
  • Jukka Lindberg, Development Manager, Vates Foundation
  • Leena Munter, Chief Executive Officer, Haltija Group Oy

“I am very pleased that the business operations of Työkanava Ltd will start soon. Above all, Työkanava is a tool for employing people with partial work capacity who find themselves in the most difficult position. These are people who have previously been excluded from employment measures or whose efforts to find work have been unsuccessful,” says Minister of Employment Tuula Haatainen.

The act on Työkanava will enter into force on 1 July 2022. The company will become operational in stages during 2022. Next, a chief executive will be selected for the company. The chief executive will choose the company’s other key persons needed to launch the business.

The company will employ people with impaired capacity to work and other persons who are in the most difficult position. The company’s objective is to improve and support their labour market and other skills so that as many of them as possible would be able to transition from Työkanava to the open labour market.

The establishment of Työkanava is related to the aim of the Government of Prime Minister Sanna Marin to promote the employment of people with impaired capacity to work and to develop the intermediate job market in a new way. Työkanava is one of the measures of the Government’s work ability programme in the administrative branch of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.


Iiris Niinikoski, Special Adviser to the Minister of Employment, tel. +358 295 047 372  
Kimmo Ruth, Senior Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 048 073 
Pirjo Larm, Project Manager, tel. +358 295 047 224