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European Maritime Day to focus on investment in the Blue Economy

Government Communications Department
Publication date 18.5.2016 12.20
News item

The European Maritime Day will bring together over 1000 maritime stakeholders to Turku on 18 and 19 May. This international conference will focus on unlocking investments in the blue economy.

Blue bioeconomy, the theme of the conference, is one of the key projects of Prime Minister Juha Sipilä’s Government. The goal of the Government is to make Finland a forerunner in the bioeconomy, circular economy and cleantech by 2025.

“Sustainable solutions speed up export and employment. With better regulation we can increase investments that will help boost economic growth. At the moment, we are also preparing a national development plan for the blue bioeconomy to capitalise on the growth potential of the sector. Furthermore, we will do our part to safeguard the future of the maritime cluster,” Prime Minister Sipilä said.

Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Karmenu Vella will deliver the opening speech at European Maritime Day. The Finnish Government will be represented by Minister of Agriculture and the Environment Kimmo Tiilikainen.

The two-day event is organised by the European Commission in cooperation with the City of Turku and the Finnish Government.

More information on European Maritime Day
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