Ministers for European affairs to prepare for December European Council

Government Communications Department
Publication date 11.12.2023 17.27
Type:Press release

The EU General Affairs Council (GAC) will meet in Brussels on Tuesday 12 December. The meeting will focus mainly on preparations for the December European Council. The GAC will also adopt conclusions on the evaluation of its annual EU rule of law dialogue, enlargement and managing demographic change in Europe. Minister for European Affairs and Ownership Steering Anders Adlercreutz will represent Finland at the meeting.

Items on the agenda for the European Council on 14–15 December include Ukraine, the Middle East, the mid-term revision of the multiannual financial framework, enlargement, security and defence, migration, and other topical issues such as hybrid attacks, antisemitism, racism and the Strategic Agenda.

In Finland’s view, the EU must maintain its high level of ambition to support Ukraine. The EU must adopt a longer-term perspective on support for Ukraine and bring more predictability to the provision of aid. Finland is strongly in favour of using the European Peace Facility to support Ukraine and contributing additional capital to the fund for that purpose.

With regard to EU enlargement, Finland’s view is that enlargement based on the applicant countries’ merits and fulfilment of membership criteria strengthens the Union’s security, global status and economic wellbeing while also promoting democracy, the rule of law and the realisation of fundamental rights. Finland agrees with the Commission’s recommendation to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova and to adopt the negotiating frameworks once the remaining conditions are met.

“Finland’s position on enlargement is clear: We welcome the new countries, but they must meet the criteria for membership. We are seeing pressure from Russia in the EU’s neighbouring regions, so it is crucial that we can successfully bring the enlargement processes to completion,” says Minister Adlercreutz.

Negotiations on the mid-term revision of the EU’s multiannual financial framework are now in their final stage, and the goal is to reach an agreement on the package at the December European Council. Finland will formulate its final position on the package based on Finland’s overall interests. The European Council will make its decision on the mid-term revision of the financial framework unanimously.

“Our work on the mid-term revision of the financial framework is moving in the right direction. It is important to ensure that we maintain our strong support for Ukraine. Ukraine is fighting for its existence and the rules-based world order. We cannot afford to stop supporting that fight. Our strong, long-term support must be reflected in the budget,” says Minister Adlercreutz.

The GAC will adopt conclusions on the evaluation of its annual rule of law dialogue and on managing demographic changes in Europe. With respect to rule of law issues, Finland will continue its long-standing policy aiming to promote the rule of law and the fight against corruption in the EU. The conclusions on managing demographic change stress the importance of ensuring that no EU citizen or region is left behind. Finland is prepared to accept the Presidency’s proposals for the conclusions.

At the meeting, the Spanish Presidency and forthcoming Belgian Presidency of the Council will present a roadmap for 2024 European Semester.

The GAC will also receive an update from the Commission on the negotiations for an association agreement with Andorra and San Marino and will be briefed by the Presidency on a proposed EU macro-regional strategy for the Atlantic.

In addition, the ministers will discuss the request by Spain to make Catalan, Basque and Galician official languages of the EU.

In the General Affairs Council (GAC), the EU Member States are primarily represented by their ministers for European affairs. The tasks of the GAC include preparations for the European Council meetings. The GAC is also responsible for a number of cross-cutting policy areas, including negotiations on the multiannual financial framework and EU enlargement. Questions related to the rule of law are also an established part of the GAC’s agenda. 

Inquiries: Heli Siivola, Senior Specialist, tel. +358 50 576 7745 and Andreas Elfving, Special Adviser to the Minister, tel. +358 50 310 0274, Prime Minister’s Office