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Prime Minister Sipilä met Sri Lankan Prime Minister Wickremesinghe

Government Communications Department
Publication date 10.10.2017 13.54 | Published in English on 10.10.2017 at 16.12
Press release 458/2017

Today, on 10 October, Prime Minister Juha Sipilä has discussed with the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Rasil Wickremesinghe in Helsinki.

The Prime Ministers gave a Joint Declaration on closer energy cooperation between the two countries. Finland and Sri Lanka wish to promote the development of clean and renewable energies and stress the importance of innovative technologies in climate change mitigation, both nationally and in the international context.

- I trust that with this Joint Declaration new opportunities will be opened for Finnish and Sri Lankan companies to collaborate in the energy sector. We also talked about many other fields where Finland has expertise and technologies to offer to Sri Lanka – digitalisation, education, and health and water technologies, Prime Minister Sipilä said.

Inquiries: Jani Raappana, Special Adviser (international affairs), tel. +358 295 160 306 and Anne Sjöholm, Head of Communications for EU Affairs, tel. +358 40 537 0733, Prime Minister’s Office.

Declaration between Finland and Sri Lanka on closer energy cooperation

Photos from the Prime Ministers’ press conference

The press conference can be viewed at