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Prime Minister Marin talks with German Federal Chancellor Merkel

Government Communications Department
Publication date 30.6.2020 14.45
Press release 463/2020
Prime Minister Marin and Federal Chancellor Merkel in Berlin in February 2020

On Tuesday, 30 June, Prime Minister Sanna Marin had a telephone conversation with German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel about the extraordinary meeting of the European Council on 17–18 July, in which the EU leaders will try to reach an agreement on the Union’s next financial framework and new recovery instrument. Marin and Merkel also discussed the priorities of the German Presidency of the Council of the EU, which will begin on 1 July.

In her conversation with Federal Chancellor Merkel, Prime Minister Marin shared Finland’s main views on the recovery instrument. When it comes to the new financial framework, the key issues for Finland are its moderate overall level, funding for rural development (Pillar II) and support for climate action, and the conditionality of EU funding, particularly with regard to the rule of law.

The recovery package under negotiation would consist of a revised multiannual financial framework, i.e. the long-term budget for 2021–2027, along with the new recovery instrument. The Commission presented its proposal for a recovery package at the end of May, and the members of the European Council exchanged views on the proposal in a video meeting on 19 June.

European Council President Charles Michel is leading the negotiations on the financial framework. He will prepare a modified proposal on the framework and the recovery instrument before the extraordinary meeting of the European Council in July.

Inquiries: Jari Luoto, State Under-Secretary for European Affairs, tel. +358 50 468 5949 and Matti Niemi, Special Adviser (EU Affairs), tel. +358 45 679 1717, Prime Minister’s Office