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Prime Minister Marin to attend European Council and Euro Summit

Government Communications Department
Publication date 22.6.2021 16.47 | Published in English on 23.6.2021 at 10.02
Press release 406/2021

Prime Minister Sanna Marin will attend the European Council meeting in Brussels on 24–25 June and the Euro Summit on 25 June.

Topics to be discussed at the European Council include the EU’s COVID-19 response, economic recovery and external relations, including with Turkey, Russia and Belarus. The Euro Summit will also take place on 25 June.

Inquiries: Jari Luoto, State Under-Secretary for European Affairs, tel. +358 50 468 5949, Tuulia Pitkänen, Special Adviser (EU Affairs), tel. +358 295 160 231, and Anne Sjöholm, Head of Communications for EU Affairs, tel. +358 40 537 0733, Prime Minister’s Office